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Friday, May 5, 2023

Split and Divide

Life is not some kind of a straight line that is easy to get pass through it and live on
If you had that kind of life, enjoy it
Be grateful for that
Not all of the people in this world can have it that way

Some don’t have faith to live that way; they’re dead
Some don’t have strength to live that way; they’re hiding for the rest of their life
Some don’t have chance to live that way; they’re living in sorrow
Some don’t have knowledge to live that way; they’re left behind
Some don’t have friends to live with; they’re lonely
And some other who I didn’t mention; they have to face their own matter

I’m the one in the hiding situation
I don’t know when and how will I end this hiding and live free

Back Again

I’ve been away for so long
Like I’ve been a dead person
Who’s no one ever heard about me anymore
I lost my souls
And feels like I have gone
To another dimension

I need to get back on my feet
I need to get back to where my root is
I shouldn’t let the devil snatched me
I’m not one like it thinks it can be fooled
I’m God’s child

Sunday, March 4, 2018

The Beautiful of Life

When you have time to live
what would you like you have?

When I was thinking about
my life that has passing
the eyes, I have seen
the love I have received
all its beautifulness
I've missed it all

I had a dream
that I'll be happily
live with someone
that I will love him
so much

It'll be a good day
when we go somewhere
where the greeneries
spread all over the path
we through together
smiling and holding

I would like to have it

If I can be with him
in a beautiful countryside
sky is covering us
clouds are cheering us
birds are chirping
singing their special song
the wind swirls caress
my cheek
my hairs
the best time
in my life

I wish I will have that all
Not making a bad decision
to spend the rest
of my life...

// words of Gizela
// inspired by Nick Drake's "Which Will"
// thru How I Live Now [2013]
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