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Saturday, November 13, 2010

A Message From Your Friend

I don't know how to thank You
I only believe that You will still love me until forever
I'm Your creation and I use to make mistakes
But I'm grateful a lot to all You gave to me
All I never dreamt before,
'til today...
You still give me love and blessing,
from everyone surrounds me
I still can have my mom, my dad, brothers and sisters
Who always love me and care of me,
before I step on my foot alone in this world
And the last..
but not to be forgotten,
Friends who also love and care of me
The advices and the supports,
just because they love me so much
All I wanted to say is..
Never try to disappoint your relatives and friends
They have their loves for you
Because they don't want you to be plunged into misery


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