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Sunday, May 22, 2011

54 days left of the Final Installment of HP-DH Part II

Today, its 54 days left. Time to say goodbye are going to come as quickly as possible. As I grown up as time goes by but the show must go on. The movie will come to an end. The phenomenon will disappear itself and I must admit it as if I'm going to miss this all abundantly.
I'm going to miss the adventure, I'm going to miss the story, I'm going to miss those togetherness of all the characters, and I'm going to miss everything that I can't mention it one by one.
All the stories that have been spread in my blood will soon come to the goodbye. All the moments of friendship of Harry, Ron, and Hermione will be wash away from my mind and it become memorable. As what friendship is meant to be and what are braveness and strengths also took a part in life. They're all so good and memorable for me as a huge fan of it.

Now, I'm still waiting but also not yet ready for it... 

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